Jones-Crandall Family History

Our Family's Journey Through Time

35th Annual Jones Reunion

June 25-27, 2004

The 35th Jones reunion was held at the Chain O'Lakes State Park in Spring Grove, Illinois the weekend of June 25-27, 2004. This year's reunion was hosted by the Donald Jones family. The weather held up and gave us a good weekend to visit and enjoy one another's company.

The park offered fishing and camping. The younger kids enjoyed a dinosaur air jumper all afternoon! Others played card games and enjoyed the nice dry weather and a good time of visiting with each other. The food was plentiful@ The baked beans and home made pecan pies were a bit hit ☺

There were 28 people attending the Friday night gathering at Mark & Rose Jones house. Sloppy Joes and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows were enjoyed by all. The younger kids had fun running and playing while the older ones sat and chatted.

Saturday's attendance was 61 for the day. The day began with breakfast at 8 a.m. with the lunch meal at noon and dinner served at 5 p.m. The day ended with the last ones leaving the park area around 8 p.m. So a full day was had by all!

Sunday's attendance was 50. The bay began with breakfast at 8 a.m. and ended at approx. 3:00 p.m. All three days offered the best weather of the summer so far for the year and allowed all to enjoy the out of doors to the fullest.

The business meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. Sunday by Diana McKenzie. She read the minutes from last years reunion and thanked everyone for their attending this year's reunion. We had attendees from Florida, N. Carolina, Connecticut, California, Wisconsin, Michigan, and of course the Illinois bunch! It is always a good feeling to see family coming together and keeping in touch.

Kathy Nixon read the treasurer's report. This year's funds began with $912.00. A total of $1.11 was raised in interest over the winter months and so the funds started with a beginning balance of $913.11. The total expenditures were $942.14, leaving a deficit of $29.03. The auction netted $1483.25. Extra last minute cost on Sunday of $28.96 and an auction refund of $12.00 leaves us with a balance of $1413.26 for this year. 

Items brought up for recognition this year were:

New Additions:

Clayton Michael Shirley -- March 18, 2004
Born to Daniel Shirley and Michelle Sams

Madison Jean Shannon -- October 22, 2003
Born to Keith and Amy Shannon

Cameron Lee Jones -- Feb. 21, 2004
Born to Dennis Lee Jones Jr. and Amanda Dawn Duncan

Avarey Mae Ann McCloskey -- Nov. 18, 2003
Born to Randy and Kimi McCloskey

Alec Dean Keever -- June22, 2004
Born to


Paul Allen Durre - 8th Grade -- May 27, 2004
Tina Lynn Durre - High School -- May 28, 2004 *w/Honors
**Will attend Eureka College in the fall
Christopher Hurt -- High School -- May 28, 2004 *w/Honors
**Will attend Madison University in the fall
Rosemarie Jones -- Associates of Arts Degree -- May 15, 2004 *w/Highest Honors


David Heidenreich to Heidi Keever - March 27, 2004


David and Judy Jones relocated back to Quincy, Illinois in October 2003


Ray and Teresa Walker are expecting their 3rd girl in early October 2004

A big congratulations to all !!!!!☺

Missed by us all this year is Donald Dean Jones. He lost his battle with cancer on September 12, 2003. He would of truly enjoyed this years reunion in his own home area and I am sure he was smiling down on us☺

The auction procedure was discussed and it was agreed that the silent auction biding helped in saving time as long as items were still bid on at the auction time. The family quilt was not present this year due to oversight and will remain with Betty Heidenreich for this year.

A thank you card from Fred and Betty Heidenreich was read by Kathy Nixon. Their thanks and appreciation to all from last year for helping them celebrate their 60th anniversary.

Next year's reunion was discussed with many offers to host: California (McKenzies), North Carolina (Marilyn Jones), Pontiac, Illinois, (Hutchins), and Northern Illinois (Mark Jones). A vote was taken and North Carolina had it with 19 votes, Northern Ill receiving 11 and Pontiac receiving 8. Next years Jones Reunion 2005 will be hosted by Marilyn Jones in North Carolina. Discussion of wanting to change the date was brought up by Tammy Hurt and dropped because of wanting to keep with tradition. Jones reunion will be held eight the second or third weekend in June, to be decided on by host family.

Uncle David brought up for discussion that the majority vote of those present will decide on the host location for the upcoming next years reunion and should only be changed by the voted on host family for that year. This was put to a vote by all present and passed.

Also brought up for discussion by Tommy Heidenreich was the passing along of all paperwork from one reunion host to the next years host. Minutes from current year will be done up and passed along to the next years host. All those interested in copies of current years minutes should request them from the next years host family. This was agreed upon by all present.

Madison Jean Shannon was the youngest family member present this year and the most 'glorious' senior was Dolores Mitchell.

A tribute to and appreciation to this years host was stated by David Heidenreich.

Meeting was moved to adjourn by Kathy Nixon, seconded by Tommy Heidenreich and Rhonda Peterson. Motion carried. 

Minutes taken by Tammy Hurt

by Marilyn Heidenreich; Re-typed and slightly edited by Cheryl Jones Cash.


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