Jones-Crandall Family History

Our Family's Journey Through Time

Thirty-Second Annual Jones Reunion

June 22, 23, 24, 2001
Rutland, Illinois

On June 22, 23, 24, the 2001 Jones Family Reunion was held in Rutland, Illinois at the home of Tom and Marilyn Heidenreich.

As family started rolling into the fine Village of Rutland, Illinois on Friday afternoon, everyone started visiting and getting settled into the surroundings for the vents of the next several days. When everyone was acquainted with the location of the garden house, otherwise known as shower facilities, and the Port-a-Potty stalls, things began to feel like a real down home get together. Friday night found all enjoying a fish fry that was satisfying and tasty and when the final count was made, 55 had been fed. Some folks sat around and talked awhile before making their way back to motels for a restful sleep, and a room with a porcelain bowl.

As Saturday morning's daylight started breaking through, cooks were busy with preparations for a delightful breakfast. It was so fun to see Tim Fornero, Bill Durre, and Tom H. behind the counts with aprons on doing all the fine things the best chefs in the country do.

After breakfast, volleyball nets were set up and many enjoyed playing in the sun, walking, talking and sharing the time to catch up on the details of each other's lives. There had been some discussion of a small sight seeing trip to some points of interest, such as old homestead locations, schools, etc. but it was decided to forgo the trip and just enjoy beautiful Rutland, Illinois. Imagine that, a Village of 400 people can hold the interest of a Jones family, must have been the company!

The family auction items had been on display and after many scoped out the great treasures that had been brought the fun began! With Phil Thoms as the auctioneer, and Tom Heidenreich and David Jones assisted with the display of each item, the sale commenced at times with quite a commotion so each person could claim some much sought after items. Some specialty items on sale for the day were a croaking plastic frog, a green tractor, and many fine handmade items. Not listed in any order of importance!

Lunch was served, followed by more volleyball, fun in the sun, card playing, and water balloons.

As afternoon turned into evening, a dinner of butterfly porkchops, and fried appetizers were served, not to mention the many homemade pies, cookies, brownies, cakes, and many wonderful desserts were enjoyed by the 76 attendees for the day's festivities. This family does know how to to eat, drink, and be merry!

Sunday morning found many family members rolling into Heidenreich House hungry again, with the rolls, coffee, and juice being consumed as fast as it could be served, and the breakfast casserole not getting done fast enough. But in time all was done, all enjoyed, and one filled, 70 family members all sat down to hear the business of the Family Meeting.

Tom Heidenreich called the 32nd Jones Family Meeting to order on June 24, 2001. The reading of the minutes from the previous year were read by Marilyn Heidenreich. There was a motion and second to accept the reading of the minutes and the minutes were approved. Marilyn also gave the current Treasurers report. It was reported that there was a starting balance of $603.95. Expenses totaled $801.44 leaving an over budget figure of $197.49. Receipts from the family craft sale totaled $840.90 leaving a new balance of $643.41. A motion was made to accept the reading of the treasurer's report and the motion was seconded. It was mentioned that Tom and Marilyn donated the fish for the Friday night fish fry, as well as other monetary donation and food donations from other family members were accepted. Additional bills were turned in after the reading of the Treasurers report. When all was said and done, we sent Pam Dorstewitz a money order in the amount of $645.00.

There was a call for old business and none was mentioned. However, later a correction and addition was made stating Christopher Hurt graduated with honors from 8th grade in 2000.

Karen Sterling merely inquired the average cost of a reunion. With that discussion Tom mentioned that no matter who hosts the reunion, there should be a fee, dues, or craft sale, or auction to have funds generated to carry over to help with those expenses. 


Andy and Tryphaena Kukman on September 26, 2000
Jennifer (Heidenreich) and Jeff Oest on April 28, 2000
Jay and Paula Kindlespire on March 17, 2001
Shauna (Heidenreich) and Joe Grace on March, 2000

There was a memorial service held for Wilbur (Bud) Mitchell at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cemetery in Elwood, Illinois on September 25, 2000.


Melissah Heidenreich - 8th grade
Richard Lee Heidenreich - 8th grade/Recipient of the Golden Rule Award
Kyle Scott - 8th grade
Daniel Shirley-son of Marilyn Heidenreich-High school
Christopher Hurt-8th grade/Graduated with honors in 2000
Tina Durre was a recipient of the Presidential Award - 9th grade


To David Curtis Heidenreich and Susan, a daughter, Hannah Michelle on July 3, 2000
To Crystal Shanks, daughter of Marilyn Heidenreich, a daughter, Samiah Rose on November 18, 2000
To Teresa and Ray Walker, a daughter, Jaida Elizabeth

Other New Business:

Kent Heidenreich had a serious motorcycle accident on September 9, 2000. His recovery has been steady. No serious injuries remain after recovery.


David and Judy Jones have moved to Virginia in May, 2000
Cindy and Bill Durre family have moved to rural Flanagan, Illinois

Other Business:

Vickie Jones was told to correct her e-mail to Cindy and Bill Durre, not Linda and Bill Durre.

Pam Dorstewitz had been serving as Secretary/Treasurer. A discussion arose asking if we would like to leave that position in place or to have a change of office. No nominations were made for a change in that position, so Pam is the keeper of that title for another year.

Five year old Kayleigh Heidenreich made a motion to hold another family reunion in 2002. Discussion followed and when finished, three locations were voted on as choices. The final count found that Kenneth Jones would be hosting the reunion in Myrtle Beach. It was also decided to hold the reunion during the same weekend in June.

There was a motion by Tim Fornero and a second by Ron Hurt to close the 2001 Jones Family Reunion.

It is with a sigh of relief and great anticipation of putting the stand on the envelope that mails these minutes of the family reunion. It was a lot of work, but also rewarding. We look forward to hearing about the forthcoming reunion and wish everyone a safe and happy time in planning and traveling to the next reunion. Thank you to everyone who attended in Illinois and for all the help and support we received as hosts.

Tom and Marilyn Heidenreich


There was an informal meeting held on January 15, 2002 in the home of Fred and Betty Heidenreich to discuss the upcoming family reunion. Those in attendance were the most senior family members who expressed concern over traveling a long distance.

On January 16th, Cindy Durre made a phone call to check the availability of the 4-H Park in Pontiac, Illinois. The date of the 2002 Jones family reunion will be June 14, 15, and 16th, 2002 with Friday the 14th to be held at the -------------- location, and Saturday and Sunday at the 4-H Park in Pontiac, Illinois.

Tom and Marilyn Heidenreich

by Marilyn Heidenreich; Re-typed and slightly edited by Cheryl Jones Cash.


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