Jones-Crandall Family History

Our Family's Journey Through Time

1995 - Lawrence, Michigan, USA

1995 Annual Jones Family Reunion

June 23-25, 1995

The 25th annual Jones Family Reunion was held on June 23-25 at Horace and Vivian Hutchins in Lawrence, Michigan saw a total of 72 friends and family gather for good old fashioned "socializing". Members of families came as far as Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan.

Food was plentiful and consisted of traditional hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, a pig roast, breakfast specialities, various salads, and of course delicious desserts of every kind. Marilyn Jones received a special thank you for cookie baking and supplying the beautiful anniversary sheet cake.

Vivian would like to extend a personal thanks to: Dolores Mitchess for her help previous to the reunion; Rollan Jones for supplying the tomatoes, sweet corn, and watermelon; Gary and Sandra Merchant for supplying the pig (Fred) for the hot roast; Judy Jones for the bountiful supply of lip-smacking desserts; Wilbur Jones for a $25 donationa; and co-hosts Phil and Ann Thoms, Pan Dorstewitz, Sandra Merchant, and Kris Brando.

One unique idea conceived at last year's reunion was a family t-shirt contest. It was a great sight to observe a sea of blue or yellow all marching toward the tents and festivities. David Jones and his family donned shirts that listed famous saying uttered at previous reunions. Ballooning in Kalamazoo was the theme of Ann Thoms. Dolores Mitchell and company wore purple family trees with appropriate inscriptions on the back. Donald Jones sprun into the mood with shirts depicting the main springs and the numerour offsprings. Rollan Jones took us back for a yellow glimpse of what one of the earliest movile homes might have looked like and their mode of travel. Vivian Jones chose a green background to commemorate a golden 25th anniversary date with the three different generations identified. The winner was Betty Heidenreich's clan with blue shirts and cleverly created play-on-names and occupations or hobbies. It was most difficult to pick one "Best of Show" for this category for all were special in their own way.

Group family pictures were taken in the beautiful floral surroundings of Vivian's back yard. Once again it was great to have all the brothers and sisters plus as many of their children as possible attenting this special milestone in our family reunions. Our family is fortunate to value their relationships with one another and to remain as close as they have over the years.

During the annual family business meeting, a number of items were announced, discussed, voted on, and decided. There are four high school graduates for 1995: Timothy Michael Heidenreich, Kerrie Jacobs, Amy Kuckman, and Jennifer Heidenreich. Shauna Heidenreich graduated from the eighth grade also and will be entering high school this coming fall.

Dennis Jones married Kathy Waddell on March 26, 1995 and Karen Mitchell wed Gary Sterling on May 26, 1995. Welcome to the Jones clan Kathy and Gary! Congratulations Karen and Dennis!

We were saddened to receive the news of Aunt Dolly Miller's death on June 20, 1995. Details were sketchy at the time of the reunion and this printing, so more information well be received later. She was 86 years old.

At a previous reunion, Vivian Hutchins was elected family historian due to her expertise in the area of genealogy and from working in the archives at the historical nuseum. Now, due to the amount of money each reunion generates and the sheer amount of money it takes to get a reunion going, the family members voted to install a permanent secretary and treasurer. This year the positions will be combined with the understanding that the roles may be split or a back up will be elected in case of absences. Pamela Hutchins-Dorstewitz has received the nod from the family to assume the position of secretary/treasurer. Thank you for the vote of confidence.

This year the family voted to accept the proceeds of the traditional craft and silent auction and, in addition, assess each family member 10 years and over $5.00 ($2.50 for under 10). This will help to establish a seed fund so the sponsoring family would not have to shell out huge amounts of their own money in preparation for the reunion. Anyone hosting a reunion in the past realizes the expenses involved, but what better cause could there be but "us Jones relative"? this one time assessment probable will not have to be done again or not very soon anyway.

Costs and receipts for this year's reunion are as follows:
Craft auction --- $470.75
silent auction --- 57.75
assessment --- 292.00 1994 surplus --- 150.00
TOTAL: --- 970.50

Vivian Hutchins: --- $ 13.85 (envelopes & stamps)
John Roseboom: --- 16.76 (sweet rolls)
Sandra Merchant: --- 100.00 (pig roasting processing)
Sandra Merchant: --- 17.50 (food)
Ann Thoma: --- 107.25 (paper products)
Vivian Hutchins: --- 153.71 (food)
Vivian Hutchins: --- 100.00 (port-a-potties)
Total: --- %509.07
carry over: --- 461.43
free-will offering --- 18.52

Bank deposit: --- $479.95

The upcoming 26th reunion will be hosted by Dennis Jones in North Carolina. The exact place, date, and specifics will follow a few months before the actual event to allow time for motel confirmations and vacationa.

Until 1996, so long and have a pleasant and prosperous year.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Hutchins-Dorstewitz

by Pamela Hutchins-Dorstewitz; Re-typed and slightly edited by Cheryl Jones Cash.

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