Our Family's Journey Through Time
Once again the Jones relatives assembled in Pontiac, Illinois for the 28th annual reunion on June 26-28th, 1998. Tim and Linda Fornero were the primary hosts this year, but were aided greatly by family members. The weather was a bit on the warm side with the mercury rising close to the 100 degree mark. But even with that, it didn't seem to dampen any conversation or fun had by all.
The entire affair started off on Friday evening at the home of Tim and Linda in Pontiac where they showcased not only their new building and house renovation, but a tasty meal of barbecue sandwiches, bean soup, chicken wings, and all the trimmings. The next day was located at the 4-H park just outside of town. This proved to be an excellent location. There was plenty of shade, a screened-in eating area, and play equipment for the younger ones to enjoy. Breakfast was an assortment of French toast, sausages (sliced to perfection by Rollan), bacon, and beverages. I have been asked to note that there were no eggs nor tenderloin served at this meal. Lunch was grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings, chips, dessert--you name it, we had it. And if we weren't fed enough, an evening meal of delicious smoked and barbecued meats and trimmings to go with them were served. Our Sunday meals were the typical "clean up the leftovers". I only wish my leftovers were as tasty.
At 4:00 we had our traditional craft auction. We have grown into a very generous lot when it comes to this event. A grand total of $855.85 was taken in to help defray the cost of sponsoring the reunion and providing seed money for the following year. We have gradually moved from a white elephant sale to a trendy craft sale and the items to choose from have been first rate quality.
Our business meeting was held on Sunday before some of the family had to start departing for home. The call to order was made and we move on to the new business. A discussion was held as to the location of the 1999 reunion which Dolores Mitchell tentatively volunteered. There were many who volunteered to host it if Florida didn't work out. Midway in the summer, the location was changed to Lawrence, Michigan, Don't think that lets you off the hook for getting us down to Florida, Aunt Dolores. We just want that reunion to be held in the dead of winter and we'll plan on staying three or four weeks instead!
There were two marriages last year. The first one was of Kerrie Elizabeth Jacobs (daughter of Pamela Hutchins-Dorstweitz and Larry Jacobs) to George Edington on December 31, 1997 in Tampa, Florida. The second marriage was to Kevin Heidenreich (son of Tom and Evelyn Heidenreich) to Kim Beebe on April 30, 1998. On behalf of the Jones family, I'd like to extend our congratulation to the four of you and welcome you to the Jones clan.
There were two graduates this year. Teresa Jones (daughter of Mark and Rose Jones) graduated from high school and Michael Jones (son of Matt and Karen Jones) graduated from the eighth grade. Good luck in the next step in your educational ladder.
The seventeenth was a popular date as we had two additions to our family since last summer. On June 17, 1997, Justice Nichole Jones was born to Teresa Jones and Tyler Allen Fryman was born on June 17, 1998 to Kent Heidenreich and Heather Fryman.
Changes were made to addresses and updates and corrections of histories were made. A request was made to move the date of the reunion up one week again. This move was decided last year, but due to unavoidable dates of availability for the 4-H park, we were unable to do that this year. Next year, however, the date will be the 18th to the 20th of June.
From the treasurer's desk come this report. As of April 4, 1998, the family had a balance of $630.42 which includes interest. In April I sent Linda Fornero $600 to purchase supplies for this reunion. She submitted bills totaling $514.65. With the balance of $85.35 plus the $855.85 from the craft auction, I deposited $941.20 in our account which leaves us with a balance of $971.62 as of the 29th of June, 1998.
All business concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Hutchins-Dorstewitz
by Pamela Hutchins-Dorstewitz; Re-typed and slightly edited by Cheryl Jones Cash.
We make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact us.